Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (INDIA)

CSIR - CFTRI Campus, Mysuru - 570020, Karnataka, INDIA

Request Members to Updates your Contacts

Wednesday 13th September 2023

Dear Members,

Greetings from AFST(I).

As for Online Election/E-voting and also for digital communication, the details of your mobile number and email id are required. As this information, if any kindly send your contacts (Email and Mobile number) to update your membership profile,  you are requested to  send the same along with your passport size photo at the earliest by post addressed to Hon Secretary, AFST(I), CSIR-CFTRI Campus, Mysuru 570 020, Karnataka or  to our mail id:

  1. Name:
  2. Membership ID :
  3. Mobile:
  4. Email ID:
  5. Postal address: (In case if there is any change or problem in receipt of journal). In case if any change of address/Chapter, please attach the address proof as a supporting document.




  1. Major area of specialization:
  2. Years of experience in specialized area:

To update your contact by Email, kindly make the subject line as (Contact Update for Membership).

Email To:

Thanking you and anticipating your kind cooperation.


Honorary Secretary, AFST(I)