Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (INDIA)

CSIR - CFTRI Campus, Mysuru - 570020, Karnataka, INDIA

Memorial Lectures

The AFST(I) conducts every year Dr HAB Parpia , Dr Amla B L, Sri GCP Rangarao and Prof J V Bhat Memorial lectures in order to express sincere gratitude and to pay homage to the two towering figures who led the association during the formative period with exemplary and visionary leadership.

Dr H A B Parpia Memorial Lecture

Dr H A B Parpia’s was one of the Directors of CSIR-CFTRI, Mysore who succeeded Dr. V. Subrahmanyan the founder Director in 1963. The twin leading themes of Dr Parpia’s work were ‘Research in food science and technology and organization and development of food industries’. He was responsible for reorganizing the work of the Institute into an interdisciplinary pattern of project oriented research and development. He also re-organized the training programme, and persuaded the University of Mysore to recognize the former diploma course as an M.Sc. course in Food Technology. He was the president of AFST(I) from 1964-1966. He was awarded the prestigious award of AFST(I) - Prof V Subrahmanyan Industrial Achievement award and was honoured as Fellow of AFST(I). The AFST(I) is indebted to Dr Parpia’s patronage and involvement in many of its activities including AFST(I) Education & Publication Trust.


Dr Amla B L Memorial Lecture

Dr. B L Amla was one of the Directors of CSIR-CFTRI, Mysuru.  He was mainly responsible for giving new dimension to R&D activities. His inspirational leadership qualities, administrative acumen lead the Institute to the pinnacle of glory especially in the area of transfer of technologies to the industries. Through systematic extension programme, he made possible, wide-scale utilisation of low-cost gram conservation techniques, saving millions of rupees worth of food grains from the depredation of insects and pests. Dr Amla, served as a Senior Adviser to the World Bank and helped several developing countries to undertake development programmes in food and nutrition. By his sustained efforts, he has been instrumental in providing number of processes and technologies to entrepreneurs and constantly endeavoured to provide technical and policy support to the industries. Dr Amla was the President of AFST(I)  during 1968 and has been conferred the prestigious award of AFST(I) Prof V Subrahmanyan Industrial Achievement Award. He has been a pillar strength to all the activities of AFST(I). As a tribute to his illustrious accomplishments, AFST(I) organizes “Dr B L Amla Memorial Lecture” during the annual conference.

Sri. GCP Rangarao

Sri. GCP Rangarao, was the Head of department of Food Packaging Technology of CSIR-CFTRI. The insight gained by him from extensive computer simulations and experimental studies carried out on the behavior of retort pouches and trays and performance of steam air retorts and racking systems have been utilized in developing second generation technologies for ready-to-eat foods. Many retort food industries have been benefited from this knowhow which is helping them in producing ready-to-eat foods of assured safety and consistent quality. During his term as Hon Secretary in 2005 he planned a host of impeccable services to the members. His goal was to make AFST(I) a truly National Body with extended outreach through strong chapters brimming with activities. Besides this he was the chief editor of the Indian Food Industry journal and was responsible for transforming the journal to set new bench marks.

Prof JV Bhat Memorial Lecture

Prof J V Bhat Memorial Lecture biennially in the honor of renowned microbiologist Late Prof. Janardhan Venkatesh Bhat who contributed his might for the development of food industries in the country. This endowment lecture was instituted by Prof JV Bhat Memorial Lecture committee headed by Dr S G Bhat at Mumbai, during the year 2002. The aim of this lecture series is to inspire many young minds and members to take up research in the field of microbiology, especially in relation to food processing and technology. The lecture is always delivered by an eminent scientist who works in the field of microbiology or allied fields.