Friday 9th August 2019
Applications/Nominations for the following awards of the AFST(I) for the year 2019 are invited. AFST(I) members / Central Executive Committee/ Local Executive Committee can also nominate eminent persons for the awards. CEC members of AFST(I) are not eligible to apply for the award during their tenure period. The awardees will be selected by a committee constituted by the CEC of the association.
All Nominations and Forms with supporting documents should be sent by registered post, in envelope super scribed with “Nomination for ......................... Award of AFST(I)”, so as to reach Honorary Secretary, Association of Food Scientists and Technologists (India), No E1-1, CFTRI Quaters, CSIR-CFTRI campus, Mysuru-570 020, Karnataka, INDIA, on or before September 30, 2019.
2. One soft copy of the above without supporting documents to be sent additionally to
For further information / clarification:
Visit or write to or contact 0821-2515557
Dr. DD Wadikar
Hon. Secretary, AFST(I)