Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (INDIA)

CSIR - CFTRI Campus, Mysuru - 570020, Karnataka, INDIA

Delegate Registration

Click on select button to select type of registration

30th ICFoST : Early Bird Registration : 30th August to 30th September 2024

Accompanying Delegate (without Kit) : Rs. 5,400.00

Registration Tariff

Category Type Member Type


Type Discount Tariff for Early Bird Regular Tariff Action

Rs. 7800.00

Rs. 9000.00 Select
Non Member

Rs. 9000.00

Rs. 10200.00 Select

Project Assistant / Research Fellows / PhD

Type Discount Tariff for Early Bird Regular Tariff Action

Rs. 5800.00

Rs. 7000.00 Select


Type Discount Tariff for Early Bird Regular Tariff Action

Rs. 4150.00

Rs. 4750.00 Select
Non Member

Rs. 4800.00

Rs. 5400.00 Select

International Delegate

Type Discount Tariff for Early Bird Regular Tariff Action

$ 300.00

$ 360.00 Select

IcFost Tarrif